National Council of Urban Indian Health–Urban Indian Health Needs Assessment (UIH)

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-08-27 15:53:20
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: IHS, NCUIH, Indian Health Services, UIHP, Budget, Needs Assessment

Short Abstract:

According to IHS estimates, the Urban Indian Health Program (UIHP) has been working at 22% of necessary funding to meet the projected needs of the patient population. The UIHP receives approximately 1.5% of the Indian Health Service Budget despite having a potential user population of 939,588 and an annual patient population of over 150,000. Many of the clinics and programs are seeing increases in patient utilization of the program due to the economic down turn. The UIHP does not have the base services to meet all of the needs of the current patient population, much less the entire potential user population.  Moreover, IHS calculation that the UIHP is funding at 22% of the total need is based upon a needs assessment conducted in 1981. There has not been a needs assessment conducted for the Urban Indian community in over 30 years. In order to truly understand what full funding for the UIHP is, and what services are needed, a needs assessment must be done.


According to IHS estimates, the Urban Indian Health Program (UIHP) has been working at 22% of necessary funding to meet the projected needs of the patient population. The UIHP receives approximately 1.5% of the Indian Health Service Budget despite having a potential user population of 939,588 and an annual patient population of over 150,000. Many of the clinics and programs are seeing increases in patient utilization of the program due to the economic down turn. The UIHP does not have the base services to meet all of the needs of the current patient population, much less the entire potential user population.  Moreover, IHS calculation that the UIHP is funding at 22% of the total need is based upon a needs assessment conducted in 1981. There has not been a needs assessment conducted for the Urban Indian community in over 30 years. In order to truly understand what full funding for the UIHP is, and what services are needed, a needs assessment must be done.

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