National Council of Urban Indian Health request for Support of the Restoration of Key Authorities for Urban Indian Organizations that have been Struck from the Manager

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-08-27 11:48:41
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: UIHO, urban indian health organizations, uihp, urban indian health programs, IHCIA, indian health care improvement act, reauthorization of 2007

Short Abstract:

Introduction.  Attached are two proposed amendments. The first would restore authorizations for certain activities by Urban Indian Organizations that had been in S. 1200, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2007, and in Section 520 of the managers amendment/substitute amendment until January 22, 2008.  In the course of last minute negotiations on the managers amendment, these authorizations were struck.  The second amendment is a compromise that would restore three of the five authorizations that are most critical to the Urban Indian Organizations (Sections 212, 701 and 707(g)).


Introduction.  Attached are two proposed amendments. The first would restore authorizations for certain activities by Urban Indian Organizations that had been in S. 1200, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2007, and in Section 520 of the managers amendment/substitute amendment until January 22, 2008.  In the course of last minute negotiations on the managers amendment, these authorizations were struck.  The second amendment is a compromise that would restore three of the five authorizations that are most critical to the Urban Indian Organizations (Sections 212, 701 and 707(g)).

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