National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) Board of Directors Monthly Report February 2008

Publication Year: 2008
Last Updated: 2010-08-12 09:50:07
Journal: NCUIH

Short Abstract:

         NCUIH has meet with Out of Many One OMO regarding data task force and willingness of NCUIH to join the multicultural health care advocacy organization. They have forward a MOU for the NCUIH Board to consider and have invited NCUIH staff to meetings that have already been planned. OMO has with NCUIH assistance already penned and distributed and letter of support for the reauthorization of IHCIA.

The Urban representatives (Geoffrey Roth and Moke Eaglefeathers) to the Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee participated in a quarterly meeting. The Main topic of discussion was how to distribute funding for the one year extension of SDPI funding in FY09. A final determination has not been made yet as Regional Tribal Representatives are getting local feedback before agreeing to historical funding levels


         NCUIH has meet with Out of Many One OMO regarding data task force and willingness of NCUIH to join the multicultural health care advocacy organization. They have forward a MOU for the NCUIH Board to consider and have invited NCUIH staff to meetings that have already been planned. OMO has with NCUIH assistance already penned and distributed and letter of support for the reauthorization of IHCIA.

         The Urban representatives (Geoffrey Roth and Moke Eaglefeathers) to the Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee participated in a quarterly meeting. The Main topic of discussion was how to distribute funding for the one year extension of SDPI funding in FY09. A final determination has not been made yet as Regional Tribal Representatives are getting local feedback before agreeing to historical funding levels. 

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