MSPI Social Marketing 101- Youth Tool

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2010
Last Updated: 2010-07-27 16:40:33
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: MSPI, Methamphetamine, Suicide, Prevention,NCUIH, Urban Indian Health, social marketing

Short Abstract:

Social marketing is using marketing techniques to address various issues that a society of people is concerned about. Social marketing can be used on a number of social concerns that a community wants to address, including such things as drug abuse, cell phone use while driving, or even how to be a friend to someone with mental illness. Social marketing serves two very important roles. First, social marketing raises awareness about the issue. For example, the national campaign focused on trying to get teenagers to stop using the cell phone while driving provides information and data about car accidents that happen because of talking on the phone while driving. The second purpose for social marketing is to change peoples behavior. So, in the example above, a social marketing program want to inspire teenagers to take their time behind the wheel and stay free of distractions while driving. Social Marketing is about positive change in peoples behavior that will benefit the person and the entire society in which they live.


Social marketing is using marketing techniques to address various issues that a society of people is concerned about. Social marketing can be used on a number of social concerns that a community wants to address, including such things as drug abuse, cell phone use while driving, or even how to be a friend to someone with mental illness. Social marketing serves two very important roles. First, social marketing raises awareness about the issue. For example, the national campaign focused on trying to get teenagers to stop using the cell phone while driving provides information and data about car accidents that happen because of talking on the phone while driving. The second purpose for social marketing is to change peoples behavior. So, in the example above, a social marketing program want to inspire teenagers to take their time behind the wheel and stay free of distractions while driving. Social Marketing is about positive change in peoples behavior that will benefit the person and the entire society in which they live.

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