Letter to Senator Dorgan and Barrasso of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Expressing strong support for Dr. Yvette Roubideaux (IHS) from National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH)

Authors: National Council of Urban Indian Health
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2016-04-18 13:38:06
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: NCUIH, National Council of Urban Indian Health, United States Senate, Barrasso, Dorgan, Dr. Roubideaux, IHS, Indian Health Services, Support Letter

Short Abstract:

I am writing to express my strong support of Dr. Yvette Roubideaux for the position of Director of Indian Health Services (IHS). I express individual support but also extend support on behalf of the National Council of Urban Indian Health, our 36 member programs and the 150,000 patients that our programs serve annually. We feel that Dr. Roubideaux not only has the experience and passion to be a dynamic Director, but that she is also deeply innovative at a time where innovation and the ability to think creatively are desperately needed. As health care reform moves forward all American Indians and Alaska Natives, particularly those living in urban centers, need a Director at IHS that is able to fully exploit the opportunities opening at this time. The Indian Health Service must be flexible at this time. Dr. Roubideaux is a person who understands the need to re-imagine not just what the Indian Health Service is currently doing, but what it could be doing.


I am writing to express my strong support of Dr. Yvette Roubideaux for the position of Director of Indian Health Services (IHS). I express individual support but also extend support on behalf of the National Council of Urban Indian Health, our 36 member programs and the 150,000 patients that our programs serve annually. We feel that Dr. Roubideaux not only has the experience and passion to be a dynamic Director, but that she is also deeply innovative at a time where innovation and the ability to think creatively are desperately needed. As health care reform moves forward all American Indians and Alaska Natives, particularly those living in urban centers, need a Director at IHS that is able to fully exploit the opportunities opening at this time. The Indian Health Service must be flexible at this time. Dr. Roubideaux is a person who understands the need to re-imagine not just what the Indian Health Service is currently doing, but what it could be doing.

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