Its not just Genetics, Diabetes

Authors: Bryan Walsh
Publication Year: 2008
Last Updated: 2012-05-15 11:12:52
Journal: NCUIH
Keywords: Diabetes, 2008, American Indian, weight, Time,

Short Abstract: 2008 Its Not Just Genetics

Safety Community Environment Education Race Income Diet Neighborhood Poverty

You're a Native American Baby Born into the Oglala Sioux tribe, Living on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. There are a lot of things that are Going to make Life a Challenge for you, but one of the most perilous will be your weight. Chances are you're parents already have a weight problem:

Abstract: 2008 Its not just Genetics

Safety Community Environment Education Race Income Diet Neighborhood Poverty

You're a Native American bay born into the Oglala Sioux tribe, Living on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota . There are a lot of things that are going to make life a challenge for you, but one of the most perilous will be your weight. Chances are You're parents already have a weight problem:

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