Issues in Evaluating Fish Consumption Rates for Native American Tribes

Authors: Jamie Donatuto, Barbara L. Harper
Publication Year: 2008
Last Updated: 2021-07-12 13:53:40
Journal: American Indian Culture and Research Journal
Keywords: Health Care Access

Short Abstract:

This article explores problems in conventional �sh consumption survey methods used in widely cited tribal �sh consumption reports. The problems arise because of the following: (1) widely cited reports do not clearly state what they intend to do with the data supporting these reports, (2) data collection methods are incongruent with community norms and protocols, (3) data analysis methods omit or obscure the highest consumer subset of the population, (4) lack of understanding or recognition of tribal health co-risk factors, and (5) restrictive policies that do not allow inclusion of tribal values within state or federal actions.


This article explores problems in conventional �sh consumption survey methods used in widely cited tribal �sh consumption reports. The problems arise because of the following: (1) widely cited reports do not clearly state what they intend to do with the data supporting these reports, (2) data collection methods are incongruent with community norms and protocols, (3) data analysis methods omit or obscure the highest consumer subset of the population, (4) lack of understanding or recognition of tribal health co-risk factors, and (5) restrictive policies that do not allow inclusion of tribal values within state or federal actions.

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