Intercultural collaboration: an approach to long-term care for urban American Indians.

Authors: Hendrix LR
Publication Year: 2003
Last Updated: 2010-01-21 08:14:08
Journal: Care Management Journals
Keywords: American Indian elderly; long-term care; culturally appropriate

Short Abstract:

An approach to American Indian elderly requires some understading of Indian ways in order to be effective therapeutically and acceptable to the older Indian.  Multiple interviews, a focus group, and a survey conducted in an uran Indian comuunity revealed the consistent perception by American Indian elderly and their families that health care providers lacked information, understanding, and respect for Indian culture.

Abstract: Most long term care of older urban American Indians is provided in the community by family, extended family, or fictive kin, and American Indians are rarely found in long term care facilities. An approach to American Indian elderly requires some understanding of Indian ways in order to be effective therapeutically and acceptable to the older Indian. Multiple interviews, a focus group, and a survey conducted in an urban Indian community revealed the consistent perception by American Indian elderly and their families that health care providers lacked information, understanding, and respect for Indian culture.

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