Indian Health Service statistical note on concepts of urban and rural and other geographic entities

Authors: D'Angelo AJ
Publication Year: 1995
Last Updated: 2016-04-12 14:10:34
Journal: Indian Health Service Division of Program Statistics
Keywords: demographics, data, population, urban indian, definition, Alaska Native Regional Corporations; Census Geography; Counties; Federally Recognized American Indian Reservations; Metropolitan Areas; Off Reservation Trust Lands; Population Categories; State Recognized American Indian Reservations; Statistical Entities; Urban and Rural Areas; Urbanized Areas

Short Abstract:

The purpose of this document, the ninth note in this series, is to clarify the concepts of urban and rural and other geographic entities as they relate to the IHS and the American Indian and Alaska Native population


The Indian Health Service, Division of Program Statistics issued a series of Statistical Notes covering various subjects of interest to Area Planning and Statistical Officers and others who use American Indian and Alaska Native demographic and patient care data. The purpose of this document, the ninth note in this series, is to clarify the concepts of urban and rural and other geographic entities as they relate to the IHS and the American Indian and Alaska Native population

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