IHS Confer Request on the Distribution of the FY 2017 Urban Indian Health Budget Increase

Publication Year: 2017
Last Updated: 2017-08-18 14:41:10
Journal: Indian Health Service
Keywords: IHS, UIHP, FY17, budget, increase, distribution

Short Abstract:

I am writing to invite you to join the Indian Health Service (IHS) for a meeting to confer on the distribution of the fiscal year (FY) 2017 Urban Indian Health budget increase, in accordance with IHS policy on Conferring with Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs). The balance of funds available for distribution for FY 2017 is $1,137,000.


I am writing to invite you to join the Indian Health Service (IHS) for a meeting to confer on the distribution of the fiscal year (FY) 2017 Urban Indian Health budget increase, in accordance with IHS policy on Conferring with Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs). The balance of funds available for distribution for FY 2017 is $1,137,000.

The Urban Indian health budget line item and any increases support contracts and grant funding for all Title V Indian Health Care Improvement Act UIOs, including the former National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism programs.

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