Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care for American Indians and Alaska Natives: Current Trends and Key Challenges

Authors: Office of Health Policy
Publication Year: 2021
Last Updated: July 22, 2021
Journal: Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Keywords: Health Disparities

Short Abstract:

Abstract: Since coverage expansions under the ACA were implemented, rates of health coverage among AI/ANs have improved significantly, although AI/ANs continue to have the highest insurance rate (15 percent in 2019), compared to most other racial and ethnic populations. The ARP and additional state Medicaid expansions offer the possibility of further coverage gains in this population. However, significant health disparities remain. This study highlights the need for increased resources for the Indian health care system and other policies to address social determinants of health can help strengthen access to care and improve health outcomes among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

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Source: Link to Original Article.