Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association Letter to Honorable Nancy Pelosi of the United States House of Representatives urging support for the Reauthorization for the IHCIA and definition changes to “Indian”

Authors: His Horse is Thunder, R, Trudell, R, Pearson, M, Sazou, B
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-07-13 10:21:32
Journal: NA
Keywords: Definition, Urban Indians, Urban Indian Organizations, Federally Recognized Indian Tribal, Consultation, Confer, Title V, Great Plains, IHCIA, Indian Health Care Improvement Act, S.1200

Short Abstract:

Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association Letter to Honorable Nancy Pelosi of the United States House of Representatives urging support for the Reauthorization for the Indian Health Care Improvement Act and recommended change of definition November 4, 2009


Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association Letter to Honorable Nancy Pelosi of the United States House of Representatives urging support for the Reauthorization for the Indian Health Care Improvement Act and recommended changes of definition November 4, 2009

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