FY2010–National Council of Urban Indian Health FY2010 Appropriations Packet for First Nations Community Healthsource of the Urban Indian Health Program

Authors: United States House of Representatives
Publication Year: 2009
Last Updated: 2010-07-12 16:15:24
Journal: NA
Keywords: Appropriations, Budget, Heinrich

Short Abstract:


We the undersigned submit our Fiscal Year 2010 appropriations request with the understanding that the Honorable Martin Heinrich looks to promote only those projects that benefit the common good and are of enduring value to the people of the First Congressional District of New Mexico. We further agree that the dollars requested fund only those endeavors that can easily withstand any and all public scrutiny and, in fact, invite anyone to look further into the benefits that these requested dollars add to the community and welcome the opportunity to delve into further detail about the project these dollars will fund. Finally, we agree and understand that the following pages, and any other documents produced during the appropriations process henceforth for the purpose of this request, will be posted online at.



We the undersigned submit our Fiscal Year 2010 appropriations request with the understanding that the Honorable Martin Heinrich looks to promote only those projects that benefit the common good and are of enduring value to the people of the First Congressional District of New Mexico. We further agree that the dollars requested fund only those endeavors that can easily withstand any and all public scrutiny and, in fact, invite anyone to look further into the benefits that these requested dollars add to the community and welcome the opportunity to delve into further detail about the project these dollars will fund. Finally, we agree and understand that the following pages, and any other documents produced during the appropriations process henceforth for the purpose of this request, will be posted online at.

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