Big Gaps outweigh small gains in struggle for better Indian health

Authors: Faulkner and Gray's Healthcare Information Center
Publication Year: 1998
Last Updated: 2016-01-08 16:22:14
Journal: Medicine & Health
Keywords: Health Services Accessibility, Economics; Health Services, Needs, Demands

Short Abstract:

Despite largely successful efforts by the chronically underfunded Indian Health Service and by tribally managed andurban Indian health centers to provide high-quality health services, the system is strained nearly to the breaking point by poverty and ill health.  This article includes related statistics and quotes from those involved in the system.


Despite largely successful efforts by the chronically underfunded Indian Health Service and by tribally managed and urban Indian health centers to provide high-quality health services, the system is strained nearly to the breaking point by poverty and ill health. This article includes related statistics and quotes from those involved in the system.

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