Barriers to American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native American Access to Health and Human Services Programs–Final Report– for United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Office of Human Services Policy April 2006

Authors: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Publication Year: 2006
Last Updated: 2016-01-08 16:04:59
Journal: Department of Health and Human Services
Keywords: Health and Human Services, HHS, Barriers to healthcare, inaccessability, reducing barriers, discretionary grants

Short Abstract:

The purpose of this study was to gather information from both HHS program officials and tribal representatives on their perspectives on various program and regulatory barriers to American Indian, Alaska Native, and other Native American (AI/AN/NA) tribes and communities accessing HHS discretionary grants, identify for HHS the most significant barriers to grants access for American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Americans (AI/AN/NA), and consider strategies for improving access. Lessons learned about reducing barriers to funding in other recent HHS initiatives targeting special populations were also reviewed to inform the study.


The purpose of this study was to gather information from both HHS program officials and tribal representatives on their perspectives on various program and regulatory barriers to American Indian, Alaska Native, and other Native American (AI/AN/NA) tribes and communities accessing HHS discretionary grants, identify for HHS the most significant barriers to grants access for American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Americans (AI/AN/NA), and consider strategies for improving access. Lessons learned about reducing barriers to funding in other recent HHS initiatives targeting special populations were also reviewed to inform the study.

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