Appropriations Testimony of Donna Keeler 2015

Authors: Donna Keeler
Publication Year: 2015
Last Updated: 2017-05-16 11:59:16
Journal: NA
Keywords: NCUIH, Appropriations Testimony, Donna Keeler, 2015

Short Abstract:

Good afternoon my name is Donna Keeler, I am enrolled member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe from the Wind River reservation in Wyoming, and I am the Executive Director of the South Dakota Urban Indian Health Clinics, and the President of the National Council of Urban Indian health. On behalf of the 37 Urban Indian Health clinics and programs, which are located in 21 states and have 43 individual sites, I am grateful to the Chairman for this opportunity to testify before the Appropriations Subcommittee.


Good afternoon my name is Donna Keeler, I am enrolled member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe from the Wind River reservation in Wyoming, and I am the Executive Director of the South Dakota Urban Indian Health Clinics, and the President of the National Council of Urban Indian health. On behalf of the 37 Urban Indian Health clinics and programs, which are located in 21 states and have 43 individual sites, I am grateful to the Chairman for this opportunity to testify before the Appropriations Subcommittee.

The National Council of Urban Indian Health is disappointed that, for the fourth1 consecutive year, the administration has rejected the tribes’ recommendation for increased funding for urban Indian health2, instead proposing a third year of funding at post-sequester funding levels.

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