American Indian health. Providers, communities surmount profound problems

Authors: Moriarity J.  
Publication Year: 1992
Last Updated: 2016-01-07 14:52:11
Journal: Minnesota Medicine
Keywords: Health Services Needs and Demand/Trends; Life Style; Rural Health/Trends; Social Environment; Urban Health/Trends

Short Abstract:

Minnesota's urban and rural Indian communities today face a similiar set of complex and daunting health problems.  No one overriding issue exists, nor does an overall solution.  While staff shortages, a dire lack of Indian health professionals, and inadequate financial resources play a role, poverty, racism, lifestyle, alcoholism, and cultural change and conflict all further complicate health problems for Indian people.


Minnesota's urban and rural Indian communities today face a similar set of complex and daunting health problems. No one overriding issue exists, nor does an overall solution. While staff shortages, a dire lack of Indian health professionals, and inadequate financial resources play a role, poverty, racism, lifestyle, alcoholism, and cultural change and conflict all further complicate health problems for Indian people. 

Source: Link to Original Article.
Code: 3108