Amendment No. 4070 to the US Congress (DeMint 4070) Firearms (amendment floored)

Authors: Jim DeMint
Publication Year: 2008
Last Updated: 2016-01-05 12:22:21
Journal: United States Congressional Library
Keywords: Amendment, S.1200, DeMint, Amendment No. 4070, Amendment No.3899, Firearms, Gun Buy-back, Firearm control,H.R.1328

Short Abstract:

Amendment to the Senate Bill S.1200--The Indian Health care Improvement Act--(None of the Funds made available to carry out this Act may be used to carry out any anti-firearm program, gun buy-back program, or program that discourage or stigmatize the private ownership of firearms for collecting, hunting, or self-defense purposes.) Proposed by Senator DeMint


Amendment to the senate bill S.1200-- The Indian Health Care Improvement Act---(None of the Funds made available to carry out this Act may be used to carry out any anti-firearm program, gun buy-back program, or program that discourage or stigmatize the private ownership of firearms for collecting, hunting, or self-defense purposes.) Proposed by Senator Demint

Source: Link to Original Article.
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