Addressing “Two-Spirits” in the American Indian, Alaskian Native and Native Hawaiian Communities. (Participants Manual)

Authors: National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Publication Year: 2003
Last Updated: 2015-12-28 13:36:08
Journal: National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
Keywords:  Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, American Indian, Alaska Native, Urban Indian, Native American, two spirits

Short Abstract:

In 1990, at the Third International Gathering of Native gay, lesbian and bisexual people held in Winnipeg, cultural teachers shared language and information that resulted in the widely accepted term Two Spirit, which many people embraced as an alternative to berdache and gay. The community recognized that some males are balanced by feminine identities, and some females are balanced by strong masculine characteristics, in keeping with many Native traditions. As the communities have reconstituted pieces of our histories, it also became clear that quite often the partners (spouses) of Two Spirit persons dont identify as gay/lesbian/bi or Two Spirit-, which is also consistent with cultural traditions. The rebirth of pride in these identities began to grow, at the same time that the epidemic of HIV began to appear with devastating results among Native people.


In 1990, at the Third International Gathering of Native gay, lesbian and bisexual people held in Winnipeg, cultural teachers shared language and information that resulted in the widely accepted term Two Spirit, which many people embraced as an alternative to berdache and gay. The community recognized that some males are balanced by feminine identities, and some females are balanced by strong masculine characteristics, in keeping with many Native traditions. As the communities have reconstituted pieces of our histories, it also became clear that quite often the partners (spouses) of Two Spirit persons dont identify as gay/lesbian/bi or Two Spirit-, which is also consistent with cultural traditions. The rebirth of pride in these identities began to grow, at the same time that the epidemic of HIV began to appear with devastating results among Native people.

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