Provisional Numbers and Rates of Suicide by Month and Demographic Characteristics: United States, 2020

Authors: Sally C. Curtin, M.A., Division of Vital Statistics, Holly Hedegaard, M.D., Division of Analysis and Epidemiology, and Farida B. Ahmad, M.P.H., Division of Vital Statistics
Publication Year: 2020
Last Updated:
Journal: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Keywords: Awareness; Covid-19; Cultural Sensitivity and Appropriateness; Data Collection; Suicide and Suicide Prevention

Short Abstract: This report includes the number of deaths by suicide by demographics such as sex and race. This report is for the year 2020 and compares their findings with the final numbers for 2019. The age-adjusted suicide rate was 2% lower in 2020 than in 2019 for males (21.9 compared with 22.4) and 8% lower for females (5.5 compared with 6.0). Females in all race and Hispanic-origin groups experienced declines in suicide rates between 2019 and 2020, although only the 10% decline for non-Hispanic white females was significant. Rates declined for non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic Asian males but increased for non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, and Hispanic males.


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