106th Congress 1st Session S. 406 (Amendment with MU)

Authors: United States Congress
Publication Year: 1999
Last Updated: 2015-12-21 10:04:28
Journal: United States Congressional Library
Keywords: 106th Congress, S.406, Indian Health Care Improvement Act, IHCIA, demonstration programs, direct billing, billing

Short Abstract:

106th Congress 1st Session S.406

To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to make Permanent the Demonstration program that allows for direct billing of medicare, medicaid, and other third party payors, and to expand the eligibility under such program to other tribes and tribal organizations.


106th Congress 1st Session S. 406

To Amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to make permanent the Demonstration program that allows for the direct billing of medicare, medicaid, and other third party payors, and to expand the eligibility under such program to other tribes and tribal organizations.

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