NCUIH Urges Direct Engagement with Urban Indian Organizations in CMS Quality Improvement Program

On March 20, 2024, the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Centers for Clinical Standards and Quality Deputy Director, Jean Moody Williams, regarding the American Indian Alaska Native CMS Quality Improvement (AIANHQI) Program 13th Scope of Work (2024-2029). In its comments, NCUIH requested that CMS engage directly with urban Indian organizations (UIOs) as CMS considers UIO inclusion in the AIANHQI Program.


CMS’ Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) Program is one of the largest federal programs dedicated to improving the quality of health care at the community level. AIANHQI is a strategic partner of the QIO Program that advances this mission through partnerships with tribal communities and Medicare-certified Indian Health Service (IHS)-managed hospitals, including rural and critical access hospitals. AIANHQI initiatives complement IHS strategic priorities and goals. The QIO Program and the AIANHQI collaborate with IHS and tribal nations to help solve the most pressing AIAN health care challenges.

Click here to learn more about the AIANHQI.

NCUIH’s Recommendations

In its comments, NCUIH recommended that CMS:

  • Host Urban Confers or UIO Listening Sessions to engage directly with UIOs.
  • Ensure the Quality Improvement Organization has expertise in working with UIOs.

NCUIH will continue to monitor the possible UIO inclusion in the AIANHQI and provide updates on developments.