UIO Call to Action Toolkit: Urban Indian Health Funding

This is a big deal! The inclusion of $81 million for the urban Indian health line item in the House budget is a huge step for our programs.

Next week, the House of Representatives will vote on the bill that includes the $81 million line item for urban Indian health. NCUIH supports the bill in its current form with the inclusion of this large increase and recommends Members of Congress vote YES.

We need your help to urge the Senate to do the same. If this nearly $30 million increase is in both bills and signed into law, all 41 Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs) would see a major increase in funding.

If the budget includes this $30 million increase for the urban Indian health line item, all 41 programs will see impacts. The inclusion of $81 million for the urban Indian health line item by the House is a huge step for our programs. We need your help to urge the Senate to do the same. If it is included in both bills and signed into law, the 41 Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs) would see a major increase in funding.

Currently, the House bill that is moving to the floor for a vote has the $81 million line item for urban Indian health. The Senate has not published any of their funding bills for FY2020.

NCUIH Outreach

  • Read our press release.
  • Read our letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee requesting to match the funding for the urban Indian health line item in the House Appropriations bill that recently passed out of the full Appropriations Committee.

Advocacy Toolkit

Here are several ways you can advocate for this important funding in an easy-to-use toolkit. Please share with your networks the opportunity to advocate for this funding increase, whether through a newsletter, blog post, social media, letters from your community, and/or a press release.

Please contact Meredith Raimondi (mraimondi@ncuih.org) with any questions.


  • Download our graphic for inclusion in your newsletter/blog, Facebook post, tweet, etc.

Newsletter/Blog Entry

  • Below is a sample newsletter entry to include in your next newsletter or blog post.
  • Example Text:[Program Name] joins the National Council of Urban Indian Health in calling for the Senate to match the House budget of $81 million for the urban Indian health line item. We need members of our community also communicate this important message. Please send emails, letters or call Senators to advocate for this important increase. Presently, the Indian Health Service (IHS) budget for urban Indian programs, like ours, is less than 1%. This creates serious budget constraints to still provide culturally-competent and quality healthcare. An increase would provide [Program Name] with critical funding that is long overdue. Currently, the House bill is moving to the floor for a vote this week. The Senate has not published any of their funding bills for FY2020. Our Senators are [Senators for your state] and they can be reached here. Email your Senators using this sample letter.

Ask Your Community to Send E-mails and Letters to Your Senators and Members of Congress

Here is information that you can share with your community members for sending emails.

Letters to Senators

  • Find your Senators here.
  • Write to your Senators using this sample letter.
  • Dear Senators [Senators from your state]:

    As a constituent of [State] and a community member of [Your Program], I humbly request that you honor the United States’ trust responsibility to urban Indians and support funding in the amount of $81 million for the urban Indian health line item.

    Last month the House Appropriations Committee approved the FY 2020 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill that included an approximately $30 million increase – bringing funding to $81 million for Urban Indian programs. This needed increase would allow the 41 Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs), including ours, to hire more staff, expand vital services from behavioral health to substance misuse programs, and improve health outcomes for the growing demand of health care for urban Indians.

    I hope you will urge the Senate Appropriations Committee to include the line item of $81 million for Urban Indian programs and show your support for the health of urban American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people.

    [First and Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip]

Letters to the House of Representatives

  • Find your Member of Congress here.
  • Write to your Members of Congress using this sample letter.
  • Dear [Member of Congress],

    As your constituent and a community member of [Your Program], I humbly request that you honor the United States’ trust responsibility to urban Indians and support funding in the amount of $81 million for the urban Indian health line item by voting YES on H.R. 3055.
    This needed increase would allow the 41 Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs), including ours, to hire more staff, expand vital services from behavioral health to substance misuse programs, and improve health outcomes for the growing demand of health care for urban Indians.

    I hope you will vote yes on H.R. 3055 to support the health of urban American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people with an increased budget of $81 million for urban Indian programs.  Thank you for your time and for your leadership.

    [First and Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip]


  • From your program’s Twitter account, tweet to your Senators and Members of Congress.
    • Find your Senators’ handles here.
      • Example tweet: “We urge [@ Senator’s handle] to please support the $81 million line item for urban Indian health to help our program in [YOUR STATE] in the Senate Appropriations Bill. #urbanIndianhealth @ncuih_official”
    • Find your Members of Congress here.
      • Example tweet: “Please support #urbanIndianhealth by voting YES on H.R. 3055 [@ Member’s handle], which includes $81 million for urban Indian health to help our program. @ncuih_official”


  • Post your support on your Facebook.
  • Example post: “We need you to help advocate Congress for an increase of nearly $30 million for urban Indian health. Show your support for this important increase that would help our funding! Find out how here: https://www.ncuih.org/policy_blog?article_id=259

Press Release

  • Send a press release to your local media to let them know about your advocacy.
  • This is a big deal! If the budget includes this $30 million increase for the urban Indian health line item, all 41 programs will see impacts. Your local media should care about how this would improve your program’s ability to serve your community.
  • Example press release.